Educator + JOURNALIST + democracy & technology expert


AI and the Future of Democracy
AI in Education
AI for Librarians
False Promise of AI and Commerce
Democracy in Danger: Can Taylor Swift Save Democracy?
The Death of Public Internet: Media Moguls and Our Future
Data and Democracy: Does Privacy Still Exist?
Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy
The Googlization of Everything: How One Company Came to Govern Our Lives
Copyrights & Copywrongs


Charlottesville, VA


Website | Podcast

A cultural historian, media scholar and lecturer Siva Vaidhyanathan speaks on the impact of digitalization on society and democracy. In his speeches, he encourages audiences to consider how technological advances like artificial intelligence, corporations like Google and algorithmic social media platforms shape the way we think and what we can do to foster a new Internet ecosystem designed to benefit the whole world. At the University of Virginia, Vaidhyanathan serves as the Robertson Professor of Media Studies and the director of the Center for Media and Citizenship. He is a frequent contributor on media and cultural issues on public radio shows and news programs, notably BBC, CNN and NBC. Siva has authored several books, including Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2018). He also co-hosts the podcast Democracy in Danger. His articles have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian and The Nation.



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